Tuesday, March 26, 2019

ulrich birk

Dear friends on the Fivefold Path:
The situation on the planet is critical - so let us concentrate on teaching this healing fire of Agnihotra to as many people as possible.
If a patient is dying - let us first try to save his life.
Later we can think about to whom the credit goes (if we are still interested in this).
This Facebook site is called "All about Agnihotra".
According to the discussion we have since several weeks, the title "All about who gave this present form of Agnihotra to the world" would be appropriate.
When you start your car, are you grateful to Rudolf Diesel who invented the diesel engine (respectively to Rudolf Benz in case your car runs on petrol)?
Being grateful to others who have contributed in the past definitely is a good habit, it teaches us humility.
But no use in demanding that people be grateful. This has to come from the heart, otherwise it is worthless.
And mind: The Great Ones do not do their work for name and fame. They do not care whether or not we appreciate what they did - they are doing it for a higher purpose.
Being grateful helps us, not them.
But - before people do experience the benefits of Agnihotra, then why should the be interested at all who originated this process?
By reading these discussions, I doubt that anyone would be inspired to start the practice of Agnihotra.
So let us bring back this Facebook site to the subject "All about Agnihotra".
Talk about the use of Agnihotra Ash medicines, about the use of Agnihotra and further techniques in farming, and about scientific studies about Agnihotra and Homa Therapy.
This is what the planet needs and what people need.

Answer By Shri Jayantji:

Mr. Ulrich Berk,
Saw your comment. I agree with every point of your comment, except one----“We should quit discussion about who gave this present form of Agnihotra to the world and do propagation work of Agnihotra”. Since the birth of Agnihotra on 22/02/1963, and since first day of Agnihotra propagation, I was not only witness of great pain bear by Sahab but fought with him to stand against all odds. No one of you can stand beside me in this respect. Since then I am whole heartedly engaged in Agnihotra propagation, and remain till my last breath. So to think that we have lost our path would be wrong. What you tried to tell by giving examples of diesel & petrol, I am with you. Really it is not required to know who the discoverer of it, to do Agnihotra. But when people propagate Agnihotra they just name other persons, who did nothing about Agnihotra`s revelation, and hide name of the discoverer, This is what sorely hurts our hearts.
That`s why we have fixed our only aim for His birth-centenary year to propagate his name before the word “Agnihotra” to express our gratitude for His Era-promoting work , in which we are not only witnesses but very much proud of being His partners also.
Sahab never wanted name or fame. He easily gets it, if He ever wished. It is WE who wish to introduce His life & work to the World. We want it, because, everywhere those people are named in reference of Agnihotra who did nothing to bring Agnihotra in this World! So it is right and necessary to know about the person who actually did work. Either you erase all the names or add this name.
This is our resolution, and we determined to do this. And to achieve this we do not beg or pray anyone. if anyone needs thousands of times , then let him take His name. Those who want to do Agnihotra, don`t need to know who is behind it. But who is propagating Agnihotra must know about the discoverer and always be grateful for his bestowal. Specially those need to know who propagate and always taking other`s names in reference of Agnihotra.
Therefore, we presented some facts here to reveal the person who did real work. If you accept it, like it or comment on it, if you don`t like it keep mum. But it is very sad that uninvited by us some people infiltrated our group, and they start preaching us, opposing us, denying historical facts, Shree`s wishes and His sayings ! Why? Why they don`t want name of the discoverer of Agnihotra? Are they same people who intentionally hide His name so many long years, and now shamelessly opposing Him? Mr. Ulrich, your comment also a part of this dirty plot of denying His name. As though some people get allergy of this name. If anyone have such allergy, they should go any other group and excrete there toxins there. But they infiltrate our group and shamelessly exort us about how to propagate? If they and their several next generations never accept Sahab`s name and work, it does not matter us. When Sun is on the head, some people, like them, says that they don`t believe in Sun! But their refusing or accepting make no difference to Sun!
I again want to say, Sahab never expected name or fame from His work. Those who were after it gained all name & fame, only by concealing Sahab` name. Now we want to lift this curtain of lies from the truth. We want in Paramsadguru`s words to show the World our Sahab`s personality “Illuminated by dazzling bright light”. This is what Paramsadguru wanted to happen. We don`t need anything from those who are brain-washed, and who taught lies only. Yes, we firmly believe that there must be some persons in this World who understand this truth and stand with the Truth. You are not among them that are clear to us.

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