श्री रामावतार वर्मा जी,
आपका सभी कॆ सपॊर्ट कॆ लियॆ बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद ! आप थॊडा बाद मॆ इस ग्रुप मॆ शामिल हुए ! पर ठीक है, दॆर आयॆ दुरुस्त आयॆ ! कुछ समय पहलॆ मैनॆ श्री जी कॆ फॊटॊ पर कमॆन्टस मॆं "ऒम श्री साहब्" यह शब्द लिख दिया जिससॆ बडा बवाल खडा हॊ गया ! मैनॆ कुछ भी ऎसा कटाक्ष न लिखनॆ कॆ बाद भी बहुत सारॆ लॊगॊ नॆ (जिनका नाम मै यहां पर नही लॆना चाहूंगा) भरपूर विरॊध किया और विरॊध कॆवल इस बात का था कि साहब और श्री जी कॊ हम भॊपाल कॆ लोगॊ नॆ एक पायदान पर खडा क्यॊ कर दिया ! उन सभी का यह कहना था कि साहब एक शिष्य है यहा तक कि उन सभी का यही कहना था कि श्री साहब कॆवल "दास: है क्यॊकि उन्हॊनॆ अपनॆ आप कॊ श्री जी कॆ लियॆ "दास: इस शब्द का प्रयॊग किया है ! मै आपसॆ यह पूछना चाहता हू कि श्री साहब दास किसकॆ लियॆ थॆ श्री जी कॆ लिए कि उन सभी शिष्यॊं कॆ लियॆ जॊ श्री कॆ सशरीर रहतॆ समय साहब इस शब्द कॆ घन घॊर विरॊधी थॆ, कि कॆवल परमसदगुरु कॆ लियॆ ! मॆरा यहां पर यह सब लिखनॆ का मतलब यह कतई न समझॆं कि मै आप लॊगॊ कॊ लडनॆ कॆ लियॆ कह् रहा हू ! एक बार श्री जी नॆ स्वय आ0 व शक्तिस्वरुपा व साहब की श्रॆष्ठ शिष्य नलिनी कॊ कहा था कि व्यक्ति कॊ तीन बातॊ का अभिमान हॊता है पहला है पैसा, दूसरा है सौंदर्य और तीसरा है बुद्धि ! यॆ तीनॊ बातॊ का अभिमान जिसकॊ हॊता है वह मरतॆ मर जाता है पर अभिमान नही छॊडता और यही दॆखनॆ मॆं आ रहा है! मुझॆ जरा भी इस बात की भनक नही थी कि जब मै "साहब" का नाम लूगा और श्री जी और साहब कॊ एक शक्ति कहूंगा तब दुनियां भर कॆ अग्निहॊत्र आचरणकर्ताऒं की ऒर सॆ मुझॆ भयंकर विरॊध का सामना करना पडॆगा (मै सारॆ तथ्य नीचॆ प्रस्तुत करुगा) पर मै भी दंग रह गया जब मैनॆ ऎसा विरॊध दॆखा ! वॆ सारॆ लॊग जॊ साहब का विरॊध कर रहॆ है उन्हॆ सच्चाई मालूम है वॆ अपनॆ कहनॆ मॆं यही बताना चाह्तॆ है कि आज हमॆ अग्निहॊत्रियॊ की संख्या बढानी है और इस बात कॊ भूल जाना चाहियॆ कि इस अग्निहॊत्र कॊ लाया कौन आदि आदि ! यह बात जरुर है कि सत्य तॊ सामनॆ आयॆगा ! यह ध्यान रहॆ कि हमॆ किसी भी प्रकार का विरॊध नही करना है क्यॊकि जितनॆ साहब हमारॆ लियॆ प्रिय है उतनॆ ही श्री भी ! यॆ सारॆ लॊग अपनॆ मतलब कॆ लियॆ साहब का नाम छुपा रहॆ है क्यॊकि ऎसा करनॆ सॆ इन्हॆ सत्य स्वीकारना हॊगा जॊ संभव नही है ! यह साहब का जन्म शताब्दि वर्ष हमॆं धूम धाम सॆ मनाना है और सभी अपनी पूरी ताकत झॊक दॆ साहब का नाम आगॆ लानॆ मॆं ताकि नई पीढी कॆ नयॆ यॊद्धा तैयार हॊ जॊ न साहब् कॆ विपक्ष मॆ हॊ और न श्री जी कॆ !
1st dicussion :
• Vivek Kumar Potdar OM SHREE SAHAB
7 hrs • Like
Prasad Kushwaha OM Shree SAHAB
4 hrs • Like
Rahul Urankar Om Shree Om.
2 hrs • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar OM Shree SAHAB
2 hrs • Like
Rahul Urankar Om Shree Om.
2 hrs • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar OM Shree SAHAB
1 hr • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar Om Shree and Jagatguru Mahanubhav shri Madhavji Potdar sahab...
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Rahul Urankar Om.
1 hr • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar Three super powers made shruti punarujjiwan karya. 1. OM- Means The super power.. 2. Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaaj and 3. Jagdguru Madhavji Potdar sahab. so in a combined way it will be OM SHREE SAHAB... Thanks
1 hr • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar OM SHREE SAHAB
1 hr • Like
Rahul Urankar Mantras are not made by braking lines. Those are divine words. Pl. Do not play with them. Shree is namabhidhan of Maharaj Shree for his upasana of Devi Tripursundari. It is not 1 2 3.
1 hr • Like • 1
Vivek Kumar Potdar read book Madhanubhav ka adbht darshan, Shree sahab, yugprawartak. Do you have these book.. you didn't know the reality.. shruti punarujjiwan karya and propagation work only done by Sahab. 1963 the year when first agnihotra started in Bhopal. 1973 the year when Agnihotra started in Akkalkot shivapuri.. It's a reality which is not told you. All Agnihotra prachar prasaar work and all credit goes to Madhavji saheb and his lovable Paramsadguru shri gajanan Maharaaj. we salute both of them..
1 hr • Edited • Like
Rahul Urankar Pl. Read more about Shree. You will come to know why Potdar Saheb was great devotee of Shree. I am very lucky to heard about Mahahraj Shree and Potdar saheb from Baburaoji Parkhe himself. Who took Potdar saheb to Akkalkot.
1 hr • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar Do you Have Above mentioned Books??
1 hr • Like
Vedavati Parkhe Urankar Dear shree Vivek Kumar Potdar ..i understand your love and respect for Mahanubhav Potdarji..and I understand your faith in the specified books too..but we all have to accept that Paramsadguru Himself is a power beyond books...one has to do a lot of upaasana ,just to know Him...let apart understand Him!
1 hr • Like
Rahul Urankar Many years before Daily Ahnihotra started Shree initiated Apte Saheb from Mhapse Goa for Agnihotra Tretagnivistar. Shreegi oftan used to tell if you want reference you can read books and confirm. But confer nations are for us not for him. In 1942 A book was published called aaAgnihotra author Satyaprakash. Delhi university.
1 hr • Like • 1
Vivek Kumar Potdar Dear Rahulji, You are Totally right about 'Om shree Om' mantra, I am not Breaking lines. I fully aware of Shreeji and Mahanubhav ji's mission. Here i am giving only a new slogan to tell the resuscitation work done by both, which is intentionally was hidden from the World by some disciples of shreeji. Agnihotra is given by Mahanubhav ji and not Shreeji. You must read ' Mahanubhav ka Adbhut Darshan','Sahab', 'Paramsadguru', these three books to know reality. And Collaborate with me to spread The Truth to the masses. I know that this is what Paramsadguru always wanted. I can give you proof of this in shree's saying. I know the meaning and importance of 'OM SHREE OM' mantra and i always recite it with devotion.
1 hr • Like
Rahul Urankar I agree with you about those disciples. Who wear shreeji s attire. Poses like Shree. But believe me as it is written in Saptasloki ete serve vinashanti Mithya aachar pravartika.
42 mins • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar Do you read book which is mentioned by me..? first you read book sir then discuss with me.. come to Bhopal and discusses with us. Also you distribute Jagatguru's book to friends and relatives. if you not have the book please give me address. i can send you all books on jagadguru sahab..
38 mins • Like
Rahul Urankar I am admirer of Potdar saheb. His love and devotion for Shree. Swayam Shreeji me jin he Mahnubhav kaha unke bare main him aur aap kya bole.
35 mins • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar Actually shri sahab is now Jagadguru.. Do not use the Word Disciple because shri Paramsadguru makup sahab jagadguru. So for Us Sahabji is Jagadguru instead of disciple.
32 mins • Like
Prasad Kushwaha Vivek ji you are right and it's truth and now time has everyone must know the karya and karya karne wale shree sahab ji one& one only satya dharm sandesta yug prawartak Mahanubhav shri Madhav ji Potdar Sahab discpl of shree Gajanan Maharaj Shree ji both are one no one can isolate them actual this truth every one have to accept and every words is devine and have meaning itself because every words is complete word Vivek ji defined it in right way if you gone through it can understand exactly and also know the actual truth read Mahanubhav ka Adbhut Darshan , Mahanubhav title is given by shree ji to him and Sahab and yug Prawartak . I want to tell one more thing is I belong that family which was victim of Bhopal Gas trasidi and my father started Agnihotra learnt from shree Sahab ji we are Performing Agnihotra since 1971 and we are continue this is the biggest one proof also and if you have curiosity to know about whole truth Please come Bhopal to us
32 mins • Like • 1
Vivek Kumar Potdar Answer my question Do you have the biography of Shri sahab or not. And if not...so why you not read the books yet..
31 mins • Like
Rahul Urankar I told you before that i have read all the books you have mentioned. Pl. Read book Vaishwanar avatar. Manoharji has translated the documentary in English and Hindi. Pl. Move ahead . with Potdar saheb s grace knowing Shree will be much easier to you.
5 mins • Like
• 33 mins • Like
Vivek Kumar Potdar Come to Bhopal here we can discuss very briefly. i do not have require to read any book and i know my Master. i will surly introduce his name and karya among all known persons. I prey to god that he generate love and affection in you. so you can understand my Master and jagadguru shri sahab. Shri sahab grace on you... we will soon meet in Madhav Sthal..Madhavashram Bhopal...Bye
2nd discussion:
Vedavati Parkhe Urankar Shri jayant ji –
Yes, I started the emotional discussion. If you want to say so. I find nothing
wrong in it. if you go through all the discussions again..Especially with
vivekji and kushwahji,you’ll realize that I have never insulted anyone with my
words..Let apart abuse anyone (but you did by saying..’bhais’ etc.)I ignored
that because I have high respect for all the first generation of agnihotris.
that includes my grandfather Shri. M.S.Parkhe sahib, my father Late
Shri.Sudhakar Parkhe, SHREEJI’S son Dr. Shreekantji Rajimwale ,Mahanubhav Shri
Potdarji , Shri.Vasant Paranjape , Shri.Hanchate, Shri.Apte, Shri .Sakhahri Apte
, Shri Shabade, and many more….i have grown up in Shreeji’s own family.Being the eldest granddaughter of Shri.Baburaoji and Shreeji’s younger sister Mrs.
Kamlabai Parkhe, I was constantly aware of the life and work of SHREEJI.I have
heard many stories about the dedication and hardship of many of SHREEJI’S dear
disciples have heard and read about Potdarjee too. I know that previously he was
a very rich person..a money lender..And that SHREEJI HIMSELF had told him to
‘give message to the environment’..and write books for Prachaar prasaar of
agnihotra.i have heard stories about him from my grandmother Kamalabai Parkhe
that whenever Potdarji used to visit our house at Pune, my grandfather Shri.
Baburaoji used to tell our servants to buy new curtains and bed sheets for the
whole house..So much was his richness and so much was he respected and loved.
Later when my father had visited Potdarji at Bhopal..He observed that Potdarji
was facing deep financial problems. My deepest respect for his work and
sufferings. Dr. Shreekantji has also mentioned it in his biography of SHREEJI
–‘VAISHWANAR AVATAR’. My objection arises at the point when you compare PARAMSADGURU with him directly.in fact my objection arises whenever anybody compares himself/herself with SHREEJI. You bluntly talk about the dirty politics in Balappa Math.You must be aware that IT IS THE PLACE WHERE SHREEJI DID ALL HIS PENANCE..YEARS AFTER YEARS..FOR THE FULFILMENT OF HIS OATH OF RESCUSCIATION OF THE VEDAS.IT IS THE PLACE WHERE BHAGWAN PARASHURAM VISITED MANY TIMES .IT IS THE PLACE WHERE BHAGWAN GAVE TWO
QUANTITY OF RICE’.IT IS WHERE SHREEJI TOOK THE OATH OF RESUSCIATING THE VEDAS.But you could only see the dirty politics of some people!!
You speak about the pain, hardship and severe hardship of Potdarji. i agree and
respect too. but tell me one disciple who has not faced all this..let me speak
about my grandfather alone…he too faced it. losing all his factories..all his
money..All his palatial homes..servants..losing his beloved son, only
son-in-law…the list will go on. but still..till the end of his life he too was
propagating just agnihotra and was telling the greatness of SHREEJI to each
person who he came across! that includes many of his depositors too!!i have
witnessed this myself. Take the case of my father now…he died in a car accident
at the age of 33.his mission was to collect the soils and waters of rivers all
across the globe (which are mentioned in Shreeji’s MRUTYUNJAY PATRA). He did
that and then he met up with that fateful accident (only his name appears in the
MRUTYUNJAY PATRA). Take the case of Shreekantjee now..you must already know that he suffered from brain tumor. But till his last breath all he was concerned about was the making and completion of the short film ‘VAISHWANAR AVATAR’. And similarly will be the cases with other disciples also. BUT NOBODY EXPECTS TO BE CALLED JAGADGURU. You can call this narrow mindedness’ won’t argue. You were saying about my selfish needs..What possibly can those be? PARAMSADGURU CHOSE ME TO BE IN HIS CLOSE FAMILY..HE CHOSE ME TO BE THE DAUGHTER OF ONE OF HIS MOST BELOVED DESCIPLE,HE CEREMONIALLY GRACED ME WITH MANTRA..what else is remained???
Again and again you are mentioning about the ‘intellectual property. ’Agnihotra
Vidhi ..which you want to credit only to Potdarji. Why and how can one do that?
We all accept and respect Potdarji’s life work ..no second opinion about it. But
how can you take all the credit of Agnihotra vidhi ?PARAMSADGURU HIMSELF has
never taken its credit though HIS AVATARKARYA was only meant for that. and I’m
not at all restricting SHREEJI in A HINDU OR A BRAHMIN OR A MAHARASHTRIAN ..OR AS AN EARTHLING..HE WAS AND IS BEYOND THAT! HE is as much mine and yours as HE is for an aborigine of any distant land..even if he doesn’t know him! Agnihotra is mentioned in Rigveda ,in the first shlok.it is mentioned in Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Shivleelamrut, Dnyaneshwari etc.
I again say that I don’t have any intensions to abuse or insult anyone’s
lifelong work. but though with due respect to those persons I still can not
accept that those people be compared with SHREEJI as HIS PARTNERS!!!India is a
free country and it is an individual faith whom we should say GURU or JAGADGURU,but there are certainly STRICT norms for that. i have seen other desciples of SHREEJI too,who dress like HIM, sit like HIM on an unpolished wooden stool and give ‘DARSHAN’ like him!!what can I say??!!
SHREEJI’S ‘MRUTYUNJAY PATRA’ clearly mentions that HE should be seen in the HOLY FIRES and in NOBODY ELSE!! I hope I have made myself clear.
2 hrs • Like • 2
jayantji's Answer :
Jayant Potdar In Balappa Math, Akkalkot this photo was enlarged and framed in 4x3 feet size & captioned ``Sukh ki khoj me Mahaubhav Shriman Madhavji Potdar Saheb``( magnanimous person In - Search for Happiness) by Paramsadguru himself. No other person got this respect from of Shreeji , Because Potdar saheb is the man who told the World that Paramsadguru is not God s incarnation , but God personified in human body. He is the man who told the World the relation between Paramsadguru and Lord Parashuram.Because He gave the World, Modern procedure of Agnihotra ,in his book ``Dharma paath`` when no one disciple of Paramsadguru even knew that Agnihotra is the means of resuscitation of Vedas. About Him Paramsadguru said his many disciples including Shri Apte ji that Potdar Saheb and paramsadguru are ONE. Paramsadguru and Potdar Saheb both took pledge for resuscitation of Vedas . Their pledges clearly tell us that Veda`s resuscitation is sankalpa (resolution) of Paramsadguru and Karya (Work) of Potdar Saheb. All other disciples of Paramsadguru are only spread/spreading the messege of Messenger of Satya Dharma that is Shriman Madhavji Potdar Saheb No other disciple of Paramsadguru can/could touch the height of Potdarsaheb`s personality because according to Paramsadguru, ``Even Great Himalaya was ashamed of his own height after seeing the height of Potdar Saheb.`` When ignorant persons compare Potdar Saheb with Paramsadguru`s other disciples they involuntarily cause pain to Paramsadguru. The truth will not change due to your ignorance. It is pathetic that so-called educated persons never even attempt to know the truth theirself. Only ``Baba Vakyam Pramanam``.
Shri Pradeep khanzode's Answer :
I don't think these disciples will ever recognize the work of resuscitation done by Shri Potdar Saheb .Therefore, a very fit reply has been given by you and I acknowledge it whole heartedly and support your reply 100%.
Jayant Potdar Thanks pradeepji, I understand your pious anger. but as followers of satya dharma i.e. shri potdar saheb we should only pray to almighty to show them light of truth.They need it.. Always firmly believe in ``सत्यमेव जयते, नानृतम``-- Satyameva Jayate , nānṛtaṁ ...they are good people like us,but misguided. Our GOD Paramsadguru will take care of them.
Other Clarification :
My dear Rajeevji ! you commented that ``` Agnihotra came to us/mankind because of Maharaj Shree and was propagated by respected Potdar Saheb, Paranjapeji and others. `` You have utterly wrong and baseless information ( Ardhsatya) . We can say that Tretagni Vistaar Agnihotra came to us because of Maharajshree, or Somayaga etc. Thus He revived ancient yagya sanstha to fulfil his own pledge, of ``Shruti Punrujjivan`` . But modern procedure of two minute Agnihotra came to us from Potdar Saheb only and also it was first propagated by PotdarSaheb and much later on (10 years after) by MaharajShree and Paranjapeji and others . We strongly oppose this tragic hijacking of Potdar Sahab`s credit by `Mithyachari`(self-styled) persons. Maharaj Shree always gave this credit to Potdar Saheb. But suppose that Maharaj Shree gave Agnihotra , then who was the first disciple he told to do Agnihotra ? What was his name ? When was first Agnihotra started by order of MaharajShree ? Yes, he ordered Shri Sakha Hari Apte of Goa to start Nitya homa , but Vaishvadev and/or Nitya homa is totally different from Agnihotra . Please tell me to whom Maharaj Shree ordered to propagate Agnihotra ?....... Truth is this , MaharajShree never told anyone to do this Agnihotra , not even Potdar Saheb ! He never told his any disciple to propagate Agnihotra , not even Potdar Saheb ! Maharaj Shree granted Potdar Saheb full and final authority to do resuscitation work of Vedas. He send Potdar Saheb a telegram on 4th january 1961 ``You are free for your own way whichever you like whatever you desire``. Potdar Saheb alone finalised Agnihotra as the means to fulfil his own pledge of `` Shruti Punrujjeevan Karya``. In taking this decision he never asked Maharaj Shree`s help or guidance . On 22nd february 1963 first Agnihotra of New era started in Bhopal . Bhopal is birthplace of Agnihotra . In March,1963 Potdar Saheb first time gave this Agnihotra Vidhi in Black & white to a Satsang of Poona (not Mr. Parkhe`s satsang). It was first time printed by Shri Rajabhau Kulkarni of poona , in a book ``Dharma-paath``by order of MaharajShree in 1964. ``Dharmapaath – Text book of Satya Dharma`` is the name given by Maharajshree . It is Potdar Saheb who after Divine Instruction officially started Agnihotra Propagation work from 15th february 1968 first time on this planet . Maharaj Shree send his disciples to meet Potdar Saheb , including Mr. Vasudev Apte of Aurangabad , Mr. Vasant Paranjape of Belgaon , Mr.& Mrs. Sharad Gupte of Poona and many many more from all over India . Apart from telling them to do agnihotra, Potdar Saheb teach them in person to do propagation work of Agnihotra and guide them by correspondence also . One may be Maharaj Shree`s or any other thousands of Sadguru`s disciple (Bhakta) , but if anyone anywhere in this world doing Agnihotra , he is follower (anuyayi) of Potdar Saheb, knowingly or unknowingly . So Rajeevji , if you gladly give the credit of Aeroplane to Wright Brothers , you should and must give credit of Agnihotra to it`s rightful originator or executer . By doing this you do not obliged Potdar Saheb or us , but to yourself. You can give credit to Maharaj Shree to pick out Potdar Saheb to do his work , that`s all . Alongside Agnihotra , Potdar Saheb gave us / humankind simple procedures of Dana ,Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya also, in ``Dharma Paath`` in 1963 . Messrs. Paranjape , Parkhe , Shrikantji, Apte are followers of Potdar Saheb . They all followed Potdar Saheb`s guidelines in propagation also . Observe Maharajshree`s words, `` We made him Jagadguru ``(Master of World). Do you Know that MaharajShree himself ordered me to write Potdar Saheb`s biography ! ( I , then , a fifth pass 17 year old young man , wrote it in twenty days !!) he himself ordered his disciples to print & publish it in 1967 ! And he himself gave the Name ``Mahanubhav ka Adbhut Darshan - Arthat Shri Madhavji Potdar ka Rahasyamay Jeevan ``. during publication ceremony he gave valuable certificate , ``This is how a biography should be written . Whatever is truth the same has been said as it is in simple language. Nowhere is there any attempt to hide truth .`` Potdar Saheb was his greatest disciple , one and only fast friend and officially designated partner in his mission. No other disciple of MaharajShree never got this honor. Lord Parshuram and Lord Dattatreya appointed Potdar Saheb as His working partner. In short , some very jealous and hateful but prominent disciples of Maharajshree manipulated these facts . that is why you are missing Potdar Sahab`s Era promoter pledge, his great resuscitation work , in literature of Shivpuri , Akkalkot and Shree Vasant Paranjape . Potdar Saheb is Prophet of New Era appointed by Almighty and backed by Paramsadguru and his Guru-Parampara . Prasad only trying to saying this , and I am fully supporting him .We don`t want that you believe or respect Potdar Saheb , he don`t need it and always beyond of it .All Gods respect him . But we request all of you to respect facts, believe truth, and with a big heart accept your ignorance, that`s all . If you are curious, please carefully read ``Authentic and Basic Literature of Satya Dharma`` as suggested by Prasad. (Please tolerate with my English, because I can express myself clearly in Hindi or Marathi.)
By Jayantji :
Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj in Mahanubhav Potdar
Saheb`s words , ``He is Kingdom of Heaven in this planet .`` For
Shree Sahab He is not some avtar ( because this word denotes
degradation, only Hindus believes in it and Satya Dharma is not
Hindu dharma) , but Almighty Power Itself in human form .
Paramsadguru made Potdar Saheb ``Messenger of Satya Dharma``.He
made him to took the Pledge `` I will do resuscitation work of Vedas
with single minded devotion .`` Paramsadguru`s pledge,``I will
resuscitate Vedas`` was only a resolution . Sahab`s pledge and work
manifests this resolution , that`s why you and the world now knew
about Paramsadguru, Satya Dharma or Agnihotra . This is the work
done by Sahab alone , as expected from him by Paramsadguru .
Paramsadguru himself wrote to Saheb in a letter , ``Amongst the great
people of the World , who can be counted on fingertips , you are one .
It is through your hands the work of putting covers over the skies is
going to take place…….. In fact if you so desire you can create a new
Universe . All the `Siddhis (Divine Yogic Powers) are always in your
attendance .`` (page 252, ``Sandeshta, the Messenger``--By Manohar
Paramsadguru is father of Agnihotra and Mahanubhav Potdar
Saheb is mother of Agnihotra . It is Sahab who introduced Agnihotra
(Satya Dharma) to the world . Paramsadguru was always remained in
background . This is the place of Paramsadguru and Potdar Saheb in
the history of Resuscitation of Vedas
Christopher Broom
Feb 21 at 4:04 AM
Christopher Broom
3:04am Feb 21
The selfless act in and of itself, is it's own reward. If one follows the suggestion or holy command of an Avatar or an incarnated Divine Being, is the reward not inherent in the meeting of such a Being. Is fulfilling the command to it's complete satisfaction, without expectation of anything in return, especially a following, that will set up a schism, not the deepest most profound act of humility? Does that act of humility, with no expectations, not become the gift to humanity. When humility is what attracts grace, and grace, that divine act that can free us from what we are bound to, then doesn't humility, selflessness, compassion by it's very nature, generate the Peace that surpasses all understanding? At night, when you are all alone, do you look at your acts of the day to see if you selflessly propagated the Divine's wish for all of His children on this planet? Or did you, in the name of trying to honor a saintly soul, taint His or Her work by forcing your need to honor them on someone else. Did you insult and chastise someone who didn't see the saint like you do and criticize them. Did your act honor your Saint or make people around the world leery of Him because of your behavior? One of my favorite prayers is, "Dear God, Please protect me from your followers!"
Original Post
Vivek Kumar Potdar
5:09pm Feb 20
"OM SHREE SAHAB" is our slogan and dedicated to our lovable Paramsadguru and Mahanubhav Shri Madhavji Potdar Saheb. On this year we are celebrating 100 th Birth anniversary celebration of our master, Mahanubhav Shri Madhavji potdar "SAHAB". we are giving hearty salute Both of them who did the Unprecedented role for re-establishment of Agnihotra. It is not against "OM SHREE OM".
By jayantji :
Jayant Potdar
Feb 22 at 3:15 PM
Jayant Potdar posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Jayant Potdar
3:14pm Feb 22
(Mr. M.S.Parkhe`s address given at Madhavashram, Bairagarh, Bhopal on 30th November, 1983, in physical presence of Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharajshree in Madhavashram.)
“I have overwhelmed when I reached Madhavashram. Just as Maharaj Shree`s car was reaching Bairagarh my ideas and thoughts were going back to the days when I first met Mahanubhav Shree Madhavji Potdar. Some of you might know that Mahanubhav has association with Bhopal much before what we know of him today. When I first met him I found him to be one of the most brilliant professional managers. I must admit that I have rarely come across a person of his ability since then. Mahanubhav in every respect wanted to be a top class. As a student he always had a record breaking career. As I know some of his records are still unbeaten. As an administrator in industry he was a peculiar of his own. And that is the reason why I was attracted towards him when I met him first. We met first and we became friends from that moment onwards. I was believing that we are meeting as friends in the industry but the destinies were different. It is Maharaj Shree who I think must have arranged that meeting. Potdar ji was managing an industry for somebody else, was giving that proprietors tons of money. I just said why don`t you start something of your own. Perhaps that was the pretext. He preferred to leave the job and something of his own. For the public it was something like private business but for him it was an opening of infinity. If we just think of him till he came to Poona and went to Akkalkot nobody would have said that he was apparently religious. And when he came to Poona because of his mother`s desire that he should go to places of pilgrimage and Akkalkot being the center of three places of pilgrimage, I suggested him to go to Akkalkot. I think that was an apparent reason for a connection between himself and Akkalkot. To be frank, the progress that started in himself was very rarely known to anybody else. To me to whom he used to be very much open off and on, even I could not understand the way in which he was progressing. As a businessman he was neglecting his business with the result that the business was falling down. But to a person of potdar`s caliber and mental level it was nothing. One day he talked to me that some of his nearer friends from Bhopal feeling that this is something like escapism. What can a common man can think of it. When he told me about this he just laughed in his face in his peculiar way and said what you think of it. And I must admit that though I was respecting fully even I could not reply it correctly.
Days passed on and slowly and slowly Potdar ji was revealed. It is beyond the concept of everybody to understand how Potdar ji wrote “In Search Of Happiness”. For a common man it is difficult to achieve the level even to understand the experience he had. Ladies and Gentlemen, from here starts the real life of Potdar ji.
Mahanubhav Madhavji Potdar who had record breaking career in colleges was again a record breaking Vibhuti (ऐश्वर्य), highly realized soul (पूर्णत्व) even in the field in which he had later on maintained. May be after a few years when the elaborate life of Mahanubhav will be again published, we might be able to know something. It so happened that he was so overwhelmed with achievements because of the grace of Maharaj Shree that he made a vow (after asking of Shree) at the feet of Shree that he would like to dedicate his life for Shree`s cause. We must all gratefully say that he is the first devotee who started the propagation of Panch Sadhan Marg (Agnihotra) in the manner in which Shree wanted him to do. Just now I said devotee purposefully. When we go to Sadguru we are in the first place a devotee. We desire that we should be Bhaktas. But Shree`s grace is so high and so great that he in flash of a second bring the devotee to his own level.
And I can say that I have been having the fortune having seen Potdar ji as a businessman, as a devotee and as a realized soul (poorna purush) having reached the heights that you and I must crave to reach. When Potdarji decided to devote his life for Shree`s work he was asked to go to the four corners and deliver his message to the Atmosphere. We now realize what is this thing of giving the message to the Atmosphere. We are meeting, we are talking, just now, where somebody is speaking, all of you are hearing but he was asked to speak environment, to the Atmosphere, to the skies. This is the magical way in which Shree`s work started by him. He used to go to the corners, stand at a point, look at the skies and say what he was asked to say. This message has remained in the Atmosphere permanently. We all know that we have what a radiogram unless we tune the radio we do not hear a song but the song waves are there in the Atmosphere. We have only to tune a particular wave length and extract that particular song. That particular program is a temporary vanishing program but the message which was given through Potdar ji was a Shasvat one, a permanent one. You and I must be able to acquire that wave length so as to understand that message and if we get that wave length just now, we will be able to hear his words even this moment. This is the particular magical work which has happened, which has been done through him.
I can tell you one typical experience which I can never forget in my life. After having finished his message to all the four corners, he was asked to Parshuram (kshetra) and pays his respects. And it was told to him that when he will be there he will feel the presence of Bhagwan (Parshuram) at the moment, He had not told me about this, but I was with him to Parshuram and when we were there to pay our respects to the idols I found a different face of the idol, “प्रसन्न-वदन”. There was absolutely a very very pleasant expression on the face of Murty (idol). I have gone to “Parshuram” thereafter several times, only a week back also I was there. But I have never seen the expression which I saw along with Potdar ji that time. They were only once and once. You can therefore find that even murty (idol) prepared out of pashaan (stone) had a “Chaitanya” (liveliness). This show, how sincerely, how devotedly he must have delivered the message to all the four corners and how “Bhagwan” was pleased with that message. Having delivered the message the actual work started of telling people to undertake the Fivefold Path. I must proudly say that Mahanubhav is the first person who devoted his life to the propagation of Fivefold Path. I must say that people who have Hindi as their mother tongue are very fortunate because he opted for Hindi knowing region for his propagation and that is why we find him here in Bairagarh today. Whether Mahanubhav is with us in the same physical form or not he is here with us at this moment also in Chaitanya form. He is here in Chaitanya form. Maharaj Shree recognizes some centers for Fivefold Path, I would say three, and Bhopal or Bairagarh is number one in that.
One day it so happened that Mahanubhav just told me that he has been suggested to proceed to Turkey and he was a bit surprised as to why all of the countries he should be asked to go to Turkey. It is true he did not go there physically but I must say that the work in Turkey started then and there that time. We know today that Agni Upasana was there from the old days. There are families who still know the importance of Agni Upasana. They may be Muslims today by religion but they know that their forefathers were Fire-worshippers and they are proud that they are doing what their forefathers were doing. When Potdar ji tried to express his views about Fivefold Path his views were always revolutionary. When he used to talk about Math, Masjid or Gurudwara a common man must have been puzzled and today after quite a few years we know why his views were so broad. The Fivefold Path is suggested for a man by the earliest religion when there was no religion. Today all over the world there are innumberable………” (We lost next page of this lecture. Jayant).
Revati Joshi
Feb 22 at 8:26 PM
Revati Joshi posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Revati Joshi
8:25pm Feb 22
किसने अग्निहोत्र बताया, किसने सत्यधर्म का पुनरुज्जीवन किया इस चर्चा मे कोई दम नही है . सभी जनते है महानुभाव श्री माधवजी पोद्दार साहब परमसदगुरु श्री गजानन महाराज श्री जी के शिष्य थे . एक महान शिष्य होनेका सौभाग्य उनको प्राप्त हुवा . सत्यधर्म के एक कठोर सेनानी स्वरूप उनका नाम सामने आता है . उनके लिखे सभी पत्र लेख पुस्तक सभी जगह उन्होने अपने आपको श्रीजीका शिष्य कुछ जगह गुलाम कहा है . कई बार लिखा है मेरा पुरा उनका हो चुका था . मेरे जीवन पर संपूर्ण उनकी सत्ता है . वे (श्रीजी ) सर्व समर्थ है . यह सब सुनने के या पढने के बाद सभी मानव मात्र को यह शिक्षा मिलना सरल है के अगर महानुभाव साहबजीने हिमालय से भी उचाई प्राप्त कर लि थी तो यह संभव होनेका राज उन जैसा बिना शर्त श्री चार्णोमे समर्पण आवश्यक है . समर्पण श्री चर्णोमे हो यह सिख पोद्दार साहब कि जीवनिसे न ली तो उनका नाम उच्चारण करना उनका अपमान करना होगा.
अग्निहोत्र या पंचसाधन मार्ग का आचरण क्यू करना चाहिये? मनुष्य जीवन का लक्ष क्या है ? ईश्वर प्राप्ती! याने परमसद्गुरु श्री जी को प्राप्त कर लेना. अगर आचरण के शुरुवात मे या मध्य मे यह हेतू नष्ट हो जाए तो साधन का उपयोग कर साध्य क्या करना है यही पता नही ऐसा होगा . पोद्दार साहब अपने जीवनमे हर पल अपने सद्गुरुका धन्यवाद देते दिखते है . उनके जीवन का लक्ष बदला तो श्री जी को मिलने के बाद . तब तक तो एक नास्तिक जीवन व्यतीत करते थे . नास्तिक से सत्यधर्म संदेष्टा इस परिवर्तन का श्रेय पोद्दार साहब अपने महा प्रतापी सद्गुरु को देते है . हमे उनसे यह सिखना चाहिये के गुणगान गाना हो तो श्री जी का गाये . स्वामी तू कितना अपरंपार यह वे किनके लिये लिखते है ? तेरी योजना तुही जाने किनके लिये कहते है ? गाऊ मै आरती सद्गुरु की कहकर किनकी आरती करना चाहते है ? बलिहारी है उनकी किनको कहते है ? यह चर्चा का नही समझनेका विषय है .
आईये हम सब श्री चरणो मे नतमस्तक होकर सद्गुरु चरणोमे शरण होनेका प्रयास करे . क्यू के महानुभाव माधवजी पोद्दार साहब कहते थे आप कितना भी खेलो आपका एक्का वे अपने पासके दुर्री से मारते है . क्यू के सभी ट्रम कार्ड्स उनके हाथमे हि होते है . जीत हमेशा उनकी होती है . वे श्री जी को सर्व समर्थ शक्ती करार देते है . इसी लिये उन्होने वही गाडी पकडी जो स्वयं श्री जी चलाते है . हम अपने अहंकार मे दुसरी गाडी पकडकर कही विरुद्ध दिशा मे न निकल जाए . अगर ऐसा हुवा तो श्री जी तक पहूनचना तो दुरकी बात पोद्दार साहब क्या बताना चाहते थे और है उससे कोसो दूर होगे .
Jayant Potdar
Feb 23 at 12:23 AM
Jayant Potdar posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Jayant Potdar
12:23am Feb 23
Maine to socha bhi nahi tha ki ek sadharan sa slogan mantra ban jayega ! Om Shri Sahab ! Ab to yah dig-digant me goonjega !
Agnihotra ke janmadin par Naye Aur Prabhavshali Mantra ka bhi Janm hua hai ---Om Shri Sahab ! Paramsadguru ki adbhut kripa !
Isike hi Prabhav se logon ki pehchan bhi ho rahi hai, Paramsadguru ki aisi hi kripa bani rahi to aaj naam aur kal Sahab ka kaam bhi duniya dekhegi , isme koi shaq nahi.
Govind Apte
Feb 23 at 9:14 AM
Govind Apte posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Govind Apte
9:13am Feb 23
Mahanubhav Madhavji Poddar Saheb was a great devotee of SHREE. He has said its YOU who knows YOUR planning its your business. When Mahanubhav says YOU are the Master, why others say he was a partner? Mahanubhav says TUZE samazna bahut kathin hai I.e. it is impossible to know you. Then why others are trying to compare Mahanubhav with SHREE. When Mahanubhav says what importance I can tell of yours I am just a DAS - know ladeless servant of you- kya kitni gau mahima mai adnya das hu tumhara - when he is submitting himself as devotee why others want to claim Mahanubhav equivalent to SHREE. Thouse who are doing so are defaming Mahanubhav Madhavji Poddar Saheb. I request all not to defame Mahnubhav Madhavji. Don't try to prove What Mahanubhav Madhavji said was wrong. He says he is das let him be das. Don't try to create Master out of DAS.
Govind Apte
Feb 23 at 12:52 PM
Govind Apte posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Govind Apte
11:52am Feb 23
महानुभावजी लिखते है ' आपने मुझे हिंदू बनाना १९५४ मी ही शुरू किया. फिर बादमे १९५८ से हिंदू से भी उंचा जो इन्सान वह बनाना शुरू किया और १९५९ मे इन्सान बना भी दिया . इन्सान बनने के पूर्व मै मानव देहधारी पशू था. '
जरा सोचीये जो इन्सान अपने आपको मानव देहधारी पशू था यह मान्य करता है और उस स्थिती से हिंदू फिर इन्सान फिर सेवक .बनाने वाले श्री जी. महानुभावजी कही भी अपनी उन्नती का श्रेय स्वयं नही लेते . इस यात्रा को महानुभाव भ्रमर की यात्रा संबोधित करते है . भुलना नही . महानुभावजी के शब्द है . एसे महान सेवक का अस्तित्व नष्ट मत करना . उनकी तोहीन न करना. उनको तो बुरा लगेगा ही, पर उनके चाह्ने वाले भी बुरा मानेंगे. अपने हाथ अपनेही महान पुर्वाजोन्का नाश मत करना. अगर जीवन् मे कुछ बनना चाहते हो अपने बाल बनना. महानुभावजी को महानुभाव पद अपने कर्म से मिला इस लिये नही क्यू के उनके पिता महान थे .
Jayant Potdar
Feb 23 at 11:05 AM
Jayant Potdar commented on your post in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA".
Jayant Potdar
11:05am Feb 23
Paramsadguru told something like this to Shri V. G. Apte of Aurangabad, that`s why he wrote in a letter to Shree Sahab that he firmly believe that Potdar Saheb is प्रति-परमसद्गुरु (same Shreeji in Sahab`s body) in Bhopal !
Original Post
Vivek Kumar Potdar
8:38am Feb 23
“आमचे कान हे ऐकण्या करता आसुसलेले आहेत की तुम्ही म्हणाव की , “ मी पोतदार साहेबांचा अनुयायी आहे , मी महाराजांना फक्त याकरिताच मानतो कारण ते पोतदार साहेबांच्या हृदय-चौरंगा वरचे एकमात्र दैवत आहेत. आणि म्हणूनच त्यांचा रोम-रोम देखील आम्हाला पूजनीय आहे .” ------आमची अशी इच्छा आहे की तुम्ही पोतदार साहेबांचे पाईक (सैनिक) बनावे आणि त्यांचा झेंडा हाती घेऊन पुढे चालावे.”
“पोतदार साहेब एक स्वतंत्र प्रकाश गोलक आहेत . आकाशात सूर्या सारखे किंवा त्याहून ही अधिक मोठी नक्षत्रे आहेत, पण सूर्या पुढे ती निष्प्रभ होतात. म्हणूनच तुम्ही त्यांच्यातच स्वतःला सामावून घेतले पाहिजे. चरित्र आणि चारीत्र्याने तुम्ही जगाला दाखवून द्यायला पाहिजे की तुम्ही पोतदार साहेबांचे अनुयायी आहांत.”
“तुमच्या कडून जे लिखाण (महानुभावका अद्भुत दर्शन) करवून घेतले, त्यांत आम्ही उणे पोतदार साहेब आहेत काय ? तेच नंतर च्या काळात पहा , आता ते सर्वसमर्थ स्वतंत्र प्रकाश गोलक आहेत.”
“लक्षात ठेवा ! “इन सर्च ऑफ हैपिनेस” या जगात एकमेव आणि अद्वितीय ग्रंथ आहे, गीता ही यापुढे फिकी पडते.”
“ पोतदार साहेबांच्या माध्यमाने आम्हीच कार्य करत आहोत.”
“Our ears are eager to hear from you that “ I am follower of Potdar Saheb . I honor Maharaj only because he is Potdar Sahab`s one and alone God.That`s why Maharaj`s every rome is venerable to me”--------“We want you to be Potdar Saheb`s soldier and march forward taking in hand his Flag.”
“He (Potdar Saheb) is an independent globe of light. In the Sky there are many Stars like Sun or rather big than Sun, but they all are dull against Sun. That is why you should merge yourself in him. Show the world that you are follower of Potdar Saheb.”
“What we get done from you, (Potdar Sahab`s biography), is it possible to see (in the book) Potdar Sahab minus Us? But see him later, same Potdar Saheb is now an independent globe of light.”
“Always remember ! “In Search Of Happiness” is one and only matchless scripture, even “Geeta” is pale against it.”
It is We who work through Potdar Saheb “
-------Paramsadguru Shree ji`s words from my diary. Jayant Potdar.
Revati Joshi
Feb 23 at 2:41 PM
Revati Joshi posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Revati Joshi
1:41pm Feb 23
जो जो श्री चरणों में शरणागत है वो वो हमारा अपना है। इस हिसाबसे तो पोतदार साहब हमारे अपने है। औरोंका हम नहीं जानते ।
Ulrich Berk
Feb 23 at 3:37 PM
Ulrich Berk posted in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA"
Ulrich Berk
3:37pm Feb 23
Dear friends on the Fivefold Path:
The situation on the planet is critical - so let us concentrate on teaching this healing fire of Agnihotra to as many people as possible.
If a patient is dying - let us first try to save his life.
Later we can think about to whom the credit goes (if we are still interested in this).
This Facebook site is called "All about Agnihotra".
According to the discussion we have since several weeks, the title "All about who gave this present form of Agnihotra to the world" would be appropriate.
When you start your car, are you grateful to Rudolf Diesel who invented the diesel engine (respectively to Rudolf Benz in case your car runs on petrol)?
Being grateful to others who have contributed in the past definitely is a good habit, it teaches us humility.
But no use in demanding that people be grateful. This has to come from the heart, otherwise it is worthless.
And mind: The Great Ones do not do their work for name and fame. They do not care whether or not we appreciate what they did - they are doing it for a higher purpose.
Being grateful helps us, not them.
But - before people do experience the benefits of Agnihotra, then why should the be interested at all who originated this process?
By reading these discussions, I doubt that anyone would be inspired to start the practice of Agnihotra.
So let us bring back this Facebook site to the subject "All about Agnihotra".
Talk about the use of Agnihotra Ash medicines, about the use of Agnihotra and further techniques in farming, and about scientific studies about Agnihotra and Homa Therapy.
This is what the planet needs and what people need.
Jayant Potdar's post in All_about_"AGNIHOTRA" needs approval: "श्री.उलरिख बर्क,...".
Jayant Potdar
February 24 at 2:53pm
श्री.उलरिख बर्क, आपका कमेन्ट देखा . आपकी सभी बातों से मैं सहमत हूँ सिवा एक के . आपने कहा है कि, “किसने अग्निहोत्र शुरू करवाया इस चर्चा को छोड़कर सबको अग्निहोत्र प्रचार में लगना चाहिये” .
५१ वर्ष पहले २२ फरवरी को शुरू हुए प्रथम अग्निहोत्र से तथा अग्निहोत्र-प्रचार के पहले दिन से लेकर आज तक जिस व्यक्ति के कार्य का मैं केवल साक्षी ही नहीं रहा हूँ बल्कि उसके साथ चौबीसों घंटे रहकर मैंने भी कार्य किया है. ऐसा आप में से कोई भी न है, न कभी था. तब से लेकर आजतक यथाशक्ति मैं अग्निहोत्र प्रचार में ही लगा हुआ हूँ और अंतिम साँस तक लगा रहूँगा . इसलिए ऐसा सोचना कि हम अपने कार्य से भटक गए हैं, बिलकुल गलत होगा. आपने डीज़ल या पेट्रोल इंजन उदाहरण देकर जो बताना चाहा है उससे भी मैं सहमत हूँ. सचमुच यह जाने बगैर कि किसने अग्निहोत्र का आविष्कार किया , कोई भी अग्निहोत्र का पूरा लाभ उठा सकता है . अग्निहोत्र करने से पहले उसके आविष्कारक का नाम जानने कि बिलकुल ज़रूरत नहीं है. लेकिन आप लोग जब अग्निहोत्र प्रचार करने के पहले , करते समय, या बाद में अन्य लोगों के नाम लेते हैं , बताते है की यह इन्होने या उन्होंने किया (जबकि उन लोगों ऐसा कभी भी नहीं किया है), और जिसने किया है उसका नाम जान-बूझकर छिपाते हैं , तब हमें अत्यंत कष्ट होता है , दिल दुखता है. इसलिए हमने यह तय किया है कि जिस व्यक्ति के साथ जुड़कर हम सब अग्निहोत्र के आविष्कार में सहभागी रहे हैं , ४० वर्षों से जिसका कार्य कर रहे हैं, उसकी जन्म-शताब्दी के अवसर पर हम सभी उनके अनुयायी उनका नाम लेकर ही किसी को अग्निहोत्र बताएँगे . साहब को नाम कभी भी नहीं चाहिए था. अगर वो चाहते तो उनके सामने ही उनका नाम लिया जाता. ये तो हम है जो चाहते हैं कि उनका नाम हो . इसलिए चाहते हैं क्योंकि दुनियाभर में अग्निहोत्र के साथ उनके नाम लिए जा रहे है जिन्हें इस कार्य का कोई भी श्रेय नहीं है , फिर तो उसका भी नाम होना जरूरी है जिसने वास्तव में यह कार्य किया है. या तो सबके नाम हटा दिए जाएँ या फिर यह नाम जोड़ा जाए. यह हमारा निर्णय है , और हम यह करके रहेंगे. हम किसीसे याचना या प्रार्थना नहीं कर रहे कि वो भी ऐसा करे . जिसकी हज़ार बार ज़रूरत होगी वो ऐसा करेगा . जो अग्निहोत्र करता है उसे यह जानने की ज़रूरत नहीं है कि अग्निहोत्र किसने बताया, पर जो कार्यकर्ता है, अग्निहोत्र का प्रचार करता है उसे यह जानना चाहिए और उसके प्रति कृतग्य रहना चाहिए कि जिसने अग्निहोत्र बताया. उन्हें यह जानने की अधिक ज़रूरत है जो प्रचार कर रहे हैं और सर्वदा किसी न किसी का नाम ले रहे हैं .
इसीलिए हमने वो अकाट्य तथ्य यहाँ प्रस्तुत किये जो बताते हैं की यह कार्य किसने किया है. अगर आपको यह अच्छे लगे तो तदनुसार लाईक या कमेन्ट कीजिये , अच्छे न लगें तो चुप बैठिये. लेकिन यहाँ तो लोग हमारे ही ग्रुप में आकर अकारण विरोध कर रहे हैं, ऐतिहासिक सत्य का, श्रीजी की इच्छा का, उनके वचनों का विरोध कर रहे हैं . क्यों ? किसलिए ? क्यों इन लोगों को अग्निहोत्र के आविष्कर्ता का नाम नहीं चाहिए ? एक तो इतने सालों तक नाम छुपाया और अब बेशर्मी से विरोध कर रहे हैं ! आपका कमेंट भी इसी मानसिकता का एक हिस्सा लगता है कि यह नाम नहीं चाहिए, मानो इस नाम से लोगो को allergy हो. अगर उन्हें allergy है तो वे हमारे बीच हमारे ही ग्रुप में आकर क्यों विष उगल रहे हैं ? समझाइश देने का नाटक कर रहे हैं ? आप लोगों ने या आपकी अगली पीढ़ियों ने भी कभी यह नाम नहीं लिया तो हमें कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता . जब सर पर सूर्य हो तब भी कुछ लोग कहते है कि हम सूर्य को नहीं मानते , पर उनके मानने-न-मानने से सूर्य के अस्तित्व को कोई धक्का नहीं पहुँचता .
मैं फिर कहता हूँ कि श्रीसाहब को नाम या यश की कभी भी अपेक्षा नहीं थी . जिन्हें थी उन्होंने ४० साल तक साहब का नाम छुपाकर खूब ऐश किया . पर अब हम चाहते हैं कि सचाई पर से आप लोगों ने डाला हुआ मिथ्या का पर्दा उठे , और परमसद्गुरु के शब्दों में साहब के , ” उस उज्ज्वल और देदीप्यमान स्वरुप” का दर्शन दुनिया करे , जिसकी कामना परमसद्गुरु ने की थी. हम उन लोगों से भी कोई अपेक्षा नहीं करते जो ब्रेन-वाश किये गए है , जिन्हें झूठ की शिक्षा दी गयी है. हाँ , हमें पूरा विश्वास है की इस दुनिया में कुछ लोग ज़रूर ऐसे होंगे जो सचाई को समझेंगे और सचाई का साथ देंगे. आप लोग उनमे से नहीं हैं यह तो साफ़ हो चुका है.
हमारी ऒर सॆ यह चर्चा यही समाप्त कर दी गई ! मॆरी बार बार आप सभी सॆ विनती है कि यहां ऎसा कॊई प्रसंग प्रस्तुत न करॆ जिससॆ श्री �